
Category Archives: Child Support

What Can I Do If My Ex Left the State With Our Child?

After a couple divorces, it’s common for one spouse to want to leave the state and take the children with them. This can be distressing and life-changing for the spouse…

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Working Strategies for Single Parents

It’s no secret that raising kids is hard work. It can be particularly challenging if you’re a single parent. The team at New Beginnings Family Law is proud to have…

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How Does Moving Out of State Affect Child Support?

When child support is involved, things can get complicated quickly for divorced parents. Issues include when to pay, how to pay, and many other steps. When one parent moves out…

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Paying Too Much in Child Support or Not Getting Enough

Paying Too Much Child Support or Not Getting Enough Child Support? This is a question I get asked all the time –I feel like I’m paying too much child­ support,…

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How is Child Support Calculated in Alabama?

At New Beginnings Family Law, we understand how stressful and devastating a divorce and child custody issues can be for a family. Our team is committed to providing a caring…

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What Are Alabama Schools Doing to Prevent Bullying?

Aggressive, intimidating behavior using physical, verbal, or social means to hurt someone, bullying affects over half of school-age children at some time. It can happen anywhere; at school, on the…

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How to Talk to Your Child About Bullying!

Bullying is a serious issue currently plaguing the school systems throughout the country. When your child comes home, crying in fear or simply embarrassed by what they have experienced at…

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Children’s Health: 5 Ways to Stay Active When Its Cold Outside

When the weather turns cold outside, it is still important for children to stay active in order to keep their bodies and minds in shape. Even though outdoor activities may…

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Your Options If Your Ex Stops Paying Child Support

It’s a frustratingly common problem: your ex just disappears, and the promised child support payments stop showing up. There are ways in Alabama of collecting back child support, and we’re…

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Alabama Child Support Laws

The Alabama child support system was set up with the goal of seeing that children didn’t suffer as a result divorce. The ideal situation is that the child receives the…

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