Alabama’s child custody laws guarantee parents a constitutional right to have a relationship with their child. Minor children likewise have a right to free association with their parents, which include…
By New Beginnings Family Law
Child custody is one of the most emotionally fraught aspects of a divorce, and in this blog entry we will break down the possible outcomes. There are several common custody…
By New Beginnings Family Law
In Alabama, there are five different types of child custody: joint, joint legal, joint physical, sole legal, and sole physical custody. In this blog entry, we break down the basics.…
By New Beginnings Family Law
When you think of the relationship between a child and his or her grandparent, “spoiling” is generally the connection that comes to mind. We think of cookies baked by doting…
By New Beginnings Family Law
After a divorce, emotions run high. This is especially true when children are in the mix and must get used to a new normal. The two most common outcomes of…
By New Beginnings Family Law
Trick-or-treating is such an enjoyable occasion for many kids. It is crucial that steps are taken to protect children and ensure their safety and cheer on this spooky holiday. Here…
By New Beginnings Family Law
When child support is involved, things can get complicated quickly for divorced parents. Issues include when to pay, how to pay, and many other steps. When one parent moves out…
By New Beginnings Family Law
What is Child Custody and Visitation? Determining child custody and visitation can be a confusing and emotionally charged process. Parents naturally want to be involved in their children’s lives and…
By New Beginnings Family Law
In many cases, the best thing you can do for your kids when going through a divorce is to develop a co-parenting agreement with your former spouse. While most divorced…
By New Beginnings Family Law
When a divorce involves children, disputes over custody are not uncommon. While many people assume that courts automatically award mothers custody, the truth is that fathers have just as much…
By New Beginnings Family Law
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