
Category Archives: Divorce

How Much Will My Divorce Costs and How Long?

A divorce can be a quite expensive process. Just how expensive depends on a number of factors, such as the issues involved, like child custody and the composition, value and…

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Abandonment: A Common Misconception in Divorce

In Alabama, there are several different grounds upon which someone may file for divorce. They fall into two categories: fault and no-fault. While no-fault means that neither party bears the…

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How a Prenuptial / Postnuptial Agreement Affect Child Custody After a Divorce

What is a Prenuptial Agreement? A prenuptial agreement is a written agreement that is made prior to marriage. Prenuptial agreements typically address things such as division of assets and property…

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Cruel Intentions: Telling Your Spouse You Want a Divorce

As entertaining as public disaster proposals are, we occasionally hear about the other end of the spectrum: a public spectacle divorce announcement. Even though a wife renting billboard space to…

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8 Tips for Approaching Your Future Spouse with a Prenup

Getting married is one of the most exciting times in a person’s life…and approaching a spouse about a prenuptial agreement can be one of the scariest.  After all, there is…

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What Military Members Need to Know About Divorce

Divorce is complicated in general, but military benefits and military policies make military divorce even more complicated. To further muddy the waters, military personnel are often stationed away from home,…

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What Are Grounds for Divorce in Alabama

Grounds for Divorce in Alabama In the State of Alabama, you might be surprised to know that there exists a multitude of differing grounds a party can file for divorce…

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Getting Married with Children? What you Need to Include in Your Prenuptial Agreement

Getting married can be a financially complicated affair. This is especially true if one or more of the spouses have children from a previous marriage or relationship. In these situations,…

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Internet Zombies: Are Your Tech Habits Affecting Your Marriage?

With the meteoric rise of apps and websites that encourage dating, there’s no question that technology has affected the landscape of couples in the last few decades. But technology does…

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Your Kids Should Be Your Priority: Five Ways to Protect Children During Divorce

Divorce is difficult for kids and can have lasting implications. Children of divorced parents are twice as likely to get divorced themselves. They are more likely to abuse drugs and…

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