
Author Archives: Amber James

New Beginnings Family Law Intro Video

 Hello, I’m attorney Amber James with New Beginning Family Law. You are likely going through an emotionally difficult time right now, or you would not be here. Legal proceedings…

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What Documents Should You Bring To Your Initial Consultation?

Deciding when or if to initiate a divorce proceeding is often an extremely difficult decision to make that can leave you feeling overwhelmed or confused. Taking the first step to…

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How To Co-Parent During The Holidays?

 Communication, while a divorce is pending during the holidays, is key. Both parties should strive to inform the other of any and all plans to celebrate the holiday season,…

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Things That Might Happen If You Don’t File a Divorce Correctly?

 There is a multitude of consequences that could occur from a divorce not being filed correctly. For instance, a judge could deny the Agreement entered by the parties forcing…

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Does Alabama Require Separation Before Divorce?

 Yes. Before a divorce can be finalized, there must be a marital separation. Such a separation does not necessarily mean a physical separation of the parties; rather marital separation…

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Can You Take Your Spouse’s Name Off Our Joint Checking Account

The answer to this can be tricky and require a fact-intensive inquiry. A party may remove their soon-to-be-ex spouse’s name off a joint checking account so long as the Court…

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3 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Divorce Attorney

During the initial consultation with a divorce attorney, you will likely discuss your situation. You may have been served with a complaint or merely contemplating a divorce. Most of your…

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What is Mediation?

 Hi, I’m David Pace, and I am an attorney at NBFL.  You have scheduled a time to come in and meet with one of our attorneys regarding your mediation. …

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Special Considerations in Military Divorces

 As a Military member you have several issues that they need to be concerned about when going through a divorce. First of all, you need to be concerned about…

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What Documents Should You Bring to The Initial Consultation for Contested Divorce?

 Hi, I’m Amber James.  I’m the founder of new beginnings family law, and i am honored you have chosen our firm to assist you with your contested divorce.  our…

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