
Author Archives: Amber James

What Can I Do If My Ex Left the State With Our Child?

After a couple divorces, it’s common for one spouse to want to leave the state and take the children with them. This can be distressing and life-changing for the spouse…

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5 Ways To Show Appreciation For Our Military Families

Military personnel are not the only ones who have to make sacrifices. The family members also have to sacrifice the time that they spend with their loved ones. Military families…

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How to Navigate Custody Agreements During a Pandemic

COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on our world and overwhelmed hospitals around the globe.  This global pandemic has disrupted our economy and changed the way we each live our daily lives. …

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Things That Might Happen If You Don’t File a Divorce Correctly?

 There is a multitude of consequences that could occur from a divorce not being filed correctly. For instance, a judge could deny the Agreement entered by the parties forcing…

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What types of child custody arrangements can you find in an Alabama divorce agreement

  “In an Alabama divorce agreement regarding custody of minor children, it is important to consider and distinguish between the main types of custody, legal custody and physical custody.…

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How To Co-Parent During The Holidays?

 Communication, while a divorce is pending during the holidays, is key. Both parties should strive to inform the other of any and all plans to celebrate the holiday season,…

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Different Types of Physical Custody Arrangements That Can be Found in a Divorce Agreement

“In an Alabama divorce agreement, the parties may agree that one parent will have the sole physical custody of the children and that the other parent will exercise visitation with…

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Four Things to Consider When Divorce Involves a Special Needs Child

Custody, visitation, and support considerations in a divorce action can be complicated. However, when a child has special needs, those concerns and the decisions that have to be made are…

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What is Alimony and What are the Alabama Alimony Laws

Alimony, also called spousal support or maintenance, is financial support that is paid to one spouse during or after a divorce. Unlike child support, alimony is discretionary, and the court…

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4 Ways to Show Gratitude Through Service

At New Beginnings Family Law, P.C., in Huntsville, Alabama, we think that the holiday season is a great time for everyone to show gratitude through service to others. There are…

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