
Category Archives: Assisted Reproductive Technology

Legal Outcomes of Surrogacy and Gamete Donation Technology Cases: Why So Varied?

Alabama Surrogacy Attorney As technology grows and improves, there are more options than ever for alternative reproduction to create and expand families. But the rate of technology advancement is growing…

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Assisted Reproductive Technology

Assisted Reproductive Technology: Is Legal Help Necessary? When dealing with topics as sensitive as infertility and the creation of a family, it can be tempting to keep your dealings as…

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5 Things You Need to Consider Before Utilizing Assisted Reproductive Technology

Science has made incredible advances in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) in recent years. There are more ways than ever to conceive a child, which is incredible news…

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A Basic Guide to Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

We live in a wonderful age of technology where couples who otherwise never would have been able to have their own children have a number of options available to them…

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Four Things to Consider When Divorce Involves a Special Needs Child

Custody, visitation, and support considerations in a divorce action can be complicated. However, when a child has special needs, those concerns and the decisions that have to be made are…

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