
Author Archives: Amber James

Different Types of Physical Custody Arrangements That Can be Found in a Divorce Agreement

“In an Alabama divorce agreement, the parties may agree that one parent will have the sole physical custody of the children and that the other parent will exercise visitation with…

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What types of child custody arrangements can you find in an Alabama divorce agreement

  “In an Alabama divorce agreement regarding custody of minor children, it is important to consider and distinguish between the main types of custody, legal custody and physical custody.…

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How to Navigate Custody Agreements During a Pandemic

COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on our world and overwhelmed hospitals around the globe.  This global pandemic has disrupted our economy and changed the way we each live our daily lives. …

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How Does “Shelter in Place” Affect Custody Exchanges?

Today, Alabama’s Governor issued an order for Alabamians to “Shelter in Place.” The question everyone has is, “what exactly does this mean?” WHAT HAPPENS TO MY CHILDREN AND VISITATION? Almost…

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How is the Custody of a Child Determined?

 In Alabama, child custody is determined in the divorce part of the process through what’s called the “best interest of the child standard.” In other words, you have to…

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How to Change Custody Agreement in Alabama

 If you want to change your Alabama child custody agreement; you can call one of our attorneys and we will be happy to assist you in walking through the…

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TRICARE Benefits for Divorced Military Spouses

Health care benefits are essential for military families. With all of the long-distance moves and other big changes that come with military life, it’s good to know that you’ll still…

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Your Options If Your Ex Stops Paying Child Support

It’s a frustratingly common problem: your ex just disappears, and the promised child support payments stop showing up. There are ways in Alabama of collecting back child support, and we’re…

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Pay it Forward

6 ways you can help others this Holiday Season With the holidays coming up, people are in a more festive mood. People are excited to be a part of the…

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4 Ways to Show Gratitude Through Service

At New Beginnings Family Law, P.C., in Huntsville, Alabama, we think that the holiday season is a great time for everyone to show gratitude through service to others. There are…

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