
Welcome Olivia Taylor Garoute!

Welcome Olivia Taylor Garoute!

Congratulations Tara and Anthony Garoute & Welcome Olivia!

Olivia Taylor Garoute was born on September 25, 2018 at 7:13 am, weighing 8 lbs. 7. Oz. and was 20 inches long. Mom, Tara, and dad, Anthony now have 3 girls. Olivia has 2 older sisters, Iliana (13) and Hensley (4).

Iliana is from Anthony’s first marriage, so the Garoute’s are a blended family. Before Tara became pregnant, Hensley prayed for a baby sister, named Olivia for 6 months. Once we found out we were having another girl, we knew her name had to be Olivia, as she was an answered prayer.

In February, Anthony’s step-father, who raised him, passed away. Tara and Anthony wanted to honor him, so they made Olivia’s middle name Taylor, as that was his last name.

Olivia is a very pleasant baby. She loves to smile at her big sisters. She’s a very good sleeper, but when she is awake, she likes to jabber with mommy and daddy.

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